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keyestudio Maker Learning Kit for Arduino with UNO R3

54,78 €
Tasse incluse

Product Description




Want to have enormous fun? Want to DIY some projects? Want to be more creative and more imaginative? Want your child to learn science while having fun? As long as you are willing to create, dare to experience new things, have a passion for scientific experiments, this maker kit is your best tailored choice!

Maker learning kit is a DIY kit for scientific experiments based on ARDUINO. Together with controller, sensors, electronic components, you can build different DIY projects. It can not only enhance operational ability of teenagers, but also develop their imagination and creativity.

Children who are into DIY can learn electronics, physics, science knowledge and software programming while playing; teachers can use it to achieve innovative teaching; makers can use it for design verification of product prototype.

Project list

Project 1: Hello World
Project 2: LED blinking
Project 3: PWM
Project 4: Traffic light
Project 5: LED chasing effect
Project 6: Button-controlled LED
Project 7: Responder
Project 8: Active buzzer
Project 9: Passive buzzer
Project 10: RGB LED
Project 11: Analog value reading
Project 12: Photo resistor
Project 13: Flame sensor
Project 14: Analog temperature (thermistor)
Project 15: LM35 temperature sensor
Project 16: Temperature-controlled cup
Project 17: Temperature and humidity sensor
Project 18: Tilt switch
Project 19: Magical Light Cup
Project 20: Vibration switch
Project 21: Sound-control light
Project 22: Voltmeter
Project 23: 74HC595
Project 24: 1-digit LED segment display
Project 25: 4-digit LED segment display
Project 26: 8*8 LED matrix
Project 27: 1602 LCD
Project 28: 9g servo control
Project 29: Rotary encoder
Project 30: 5V Relay
Project 31: DS1302 clock
Project 32: Mos tube driving motor
Project 33: 4N35
Project 34: NE555 timer